You are here: American University Professional & Lifelong Learning

Professional & Lifelong Learning

American University provides career development courses for individuals, teams, and organizations who seek to lead with purpose.

Realize Your Purpose

Now more than ever, the world needs professionals who lead with purpose. With American University's professional training, you’ll learn skills that have impact, and that impact can make all the difference.

Transform Your Career


Whether you are a young professional, a seasoned leader, or exploring professional development options to reskill or uspkill, we will equip you with the practical skills to take that next transformative step in your career.

Professional and Lifelong Learning: instructor teaching on board

Industry-Leading Minds

Our industry-leading instructors will teach you concepts and immerse you in building in-demand skills from Day 1 of your training.

Professional and Lifelong Learning: two hands shaking (icon)

Professional Partnerships

We partner with key-industry organizations to provide you with the most in-demand skills and knowledge.

Professional and Lifelong Learning: professional climbing steps (icon)

Career-Advancing Network

Access to a diverse network of alumni and industry-driven faculty who play a key role in your next career move.

Digital Skills Programs

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Executive Leadership Programs

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Topic-Based Courses

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